Pigs in ancient mythology have long been a subject of intrigue and symbolic representation across various civilizations. From religious narratives to artistic interpretations, these cultural mainstays have had an astounding presence in numerous sectors of past societies.

This exploration delves into the multifaceted realm of pigs’ symbolism in ancient cultures, sacred texts, and archaeology. It challenges the reader to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of our ancestors’ perspectives, intertwining the spiritual, economic, and social paradigms tied to the humble pig. Be it the Roman, Greek, Celtic or Egyptian setting, each adds a unique stroke to the extraordinary image of the pig as perceived by ancient civilizations.

Symbolism of Pigs in Ancient Mythology
The Importance of Pigs in Ancient Celtic Culture
In the culture of the ancient Celts, pigs were much more than livestock. They held a significant place in the society’s mythology and religion, where they were often regarded as symbols of abundance and fertility. In their narratives, pigs could be associated with the goddess of fertility, Cerridwen, representing productivity and prophecy. The mystical “boar of Ben Bulben” in Irish folklore, for instance, was said to be a creature of prodigious strength and ferocity. Pigs were also highly esteemed as sacrificial animals, holding considerable weight in Celtic rituals.
Romans and the Sacred Swine
Historically, Romans held pigs in high esteem. The pig was sacred to Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and fertility, and it featured prominently in Roman sacrifices. The Romans believed that the pig was symbolic of resourcefulness and intelligence, but it also had a strong association with prosperity and wealth. In fact, the term “pecuniary”—which relates to money—originally comes from the Latin word “pecus” meaning livestock, and by extension, pigs. Roman soldiers even carried pig figurines as protective amulets into battles.
Pigs in Ancient Greek Mythology
To the Ancient Greeks, the pig was closely linked to numerous deities and mythical creatures. Foremost among these was Circe, a powerful witch who would transform her enemies into pigs. But pigs were also sacred to Demeter, the goddess of harvest, and Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry. A common practice in Eleusinian Mysteries, a significant ancient Greek ritual, was to sacrifice pigs to purify the candidate for initiation.
Pigs in Ancient Egypt
In contrast to the aforementioned cultures, Egyptians historically had a complex and somewhat negative relationship with pigs. Porcine creatures were often associated with Seth, the God of chaos and disorder. Despite this, they were still utilized in various rituals. For instance, a “pig of Seth” would be sacrificed during an important ceremony to ‘drive out evil’. However, this ambivalence towards pigs did not prohibit their widespread use in the Egyptian diet, notably among lower classes and farmers.
Pigs in Ancient Asian Cultures
Ancient Asian cultures also revered pigs. In Chinese mythology, for instance, one of the famous characters of the classic tale “Journey to the West” is a pig named Zhu Bajie. This creature symbolizes gluttony and lust but is also depicted as a loyal character with a warrior’s courage. Simultaneously, pigs in the Chinese zodiac represent hard work, honesty, and affluence. The pig comes last in the zodiac cycle, which suggests careful deliberation and preparation.
Exploring various ancient mythologies reveals that pigs were held in esteem for roles that transcended their utility as food or wealth. These creatures held considerable spiritual, economic, and social implications, and their symbolism in religious and societal contexts was profound and varied across cultures.

Three Pigs Living in Ancient Asia
Pigs in Ancient Religious Narratives
The Role of Pigs in Egyptian Mythology
In the ancient Egyptian mythos, pigs held an intriguing dichotomy. They symbolized Set, the deity of storms, deserts, and chaos, embodying the very antithesis of the societal order that Egyptians valued. Set, according to the lore, transformed into a black boar to murder his brother Osiris, leading to the pig being seen as a symbol of disorder and treachery. This notoriety seeped into social customs, influencing a widespread aversion to pork and tagging pigs as prevalent societal and religious taboos, often relegating them to the fringes of Egyptian culture.
The Swine of Ancient Greece
In contrast to their Egyptian counterparts, the ancient Greeks held pigs in a higher esteem, attributing them with symbolic significance. Greek mythology is full of stories that involve pigs or boars in one way or another. The epic of Odysseus, where the sorceress Circe turns his men into swine, is among the most famous examples. Boars were also seen as a sacred animal to Artemis, the virgin goddess of the hunt, where they often featured in her iconography. They symbolized abundance and fertility and were frequently sacrificed to the gods during religious rituals.
Pig Symbolism in Hindu Texts
Within ancient Hinduism, the deity Vishnu has an avatar or reincarnation in the form of Varaha, a giant boar. In the myth, the Varaha avatar rescues the earth, represented by a goddess, from the primordial waters, illustrating the pig/boar as a symbol of protection and preservation. On the negative side, however, pigs are also associated with ignorance in some texts due to their omnivorous diet and perceived ‘uncleanliness’.
Celtic and Norse Mythology: Pigs and Boars
In Celtic and Norse mythology, pigs and boars symbolized war, courage, and valor. In Celtic mythology, pigs were associated with Ceridwen, the goddess of fertility and rebirth, and were viewed as magical creatures that had come from the Otherworld, a realm of deities and spirits. For Norse tales, boars were associated with the Vanir deities of fertility and prosperity, with golden boars featuring prominently in their myths.
Pigs and boars have held a multitude of meanings throughout human history. Depending on the culture and time, these creatures can symbolize anything from uncleanness to fertility and prosperity. Their potent imagery has deeply embedded itself into the mythological tales and religious stories of our ancestors.

In Norse mythology, Hildisvíni’ (‘battle swine’) is a giant boar belonging to the goddess Freyja, which accompanied her into battle
Archaeological Evidence and Interpretations
The Presence of Pigs in Ancient Civilizations
Evidence uncovered by archaeologists underscores the vast influence pigs had in many ancient societies. Their significance was not confined to a particular region, but rather seen worldwide.
Remarkable artifacts from across the Ancient Near East to Europe have been discovered, including terracotta pig figures and pig designs on pottery and seals. Ancient Chinese societies highly revered pigs, as demonstrated by jade and bronze pig sculptures located in imperial graves. Egypt also portrayed a profound connection with the pig, linking it to the sky god, Set, and featuring its likeness on stelae and protective amulets.
By examining these pieces, scholars like Chadwick and Basiro Davey suggest that the presence of pig iconography could reflect the creature’s role in the diet of these societies. This theory is supported by the frequent discovery of pig bones at archaeological sites.
Pigs In Mythology: Interpretive Insights
Historians and archaeologists have often linked pig symbolism in ancient mythology to fertility, abundance, and renewal. This interpretation is primarily based on the pig’s natural attributes, including their prolific nature and crucial role in agriculture as part of a sustainable farming system.
The pig played an integral part in Celtic mythology and was considered sacred to the Celtic fertility goddess Cerridwen. Archaeological findings witness the depiction of boars in Celtic art, asserting the pig’s importance to these ancient societies. This significance seems to permeate into Ancient Greek mythology, where the boar often tested the hero’s strength and courage. For example, the myth of the Calydonian Boar Hunt, where the monstrous boar served as a formidable adversary for the hero’s celestial lineage, illustrates the pig’s role as a symbol of challenge and woe.
In contrast, in ancient Roman mythology, pigs were propitiously used in rituals and were sacrificed to deities to ensure successful harvests or as peace offerings. Archaeological findings of pig figurines and bones suggest their ceremonial importance.
Understanding Pigs Through Archaeological Research
Archaeologists use multiple methods and approaches to interpret the role of pigs in ancient mythology. Comparative studies form a crucial part of this research process, where pig representations from different cultures are juxtaposed to reveal similarities and differences. Furthermore, pig remains provide insights into diet, sustenance, and ecological relationships with humans.
Analysis of pig iconography, mythological narratives, and archaeological findings suggest that pigs’ roles ranged from symbols of fertility, strength, and sacrifice to crucial components of human sustenance and farming systems. However, interpretations vary globally, reflecting nuances in mythology, symbolism, and the socio-cultural context of each civilization.
Final interpretations rest upon a combination of objective archaeological evidence and subjective cultural understandings. However, the persistent pictorial and physical representations of pigs allude to their profound cultural and spiritual significance across ancient civilizations. Thus, the humble pig illustrates the explanatory power of archaeology in understanding human history, culture, and existential realities.
It’s fascinating to ponder how a creature as common as the pig could hold such profound significance across various ancient cultures. Through religious texts, cultural symbolism, and archaeological findings, we’ve journeyed through the multifaceted representations of pigs in the annals of our past. The pig’s unique status – from being a sign of spiritual and economic prosperity to its powerful mythos in folklore and parables – only serves to amplify our connection to these diverse cultures. Indeed, our exploration underscores the undeniable power of symbolism and the captivating ability of such a simple creature in shaping the stories, beliefs, and history of our ancestors.