Vietnamese Pot-Bellied: Breed Guide

A Vietnamese Pot-Bellied pig My personal experience with Vietnamese Pot-Bellied pig is pretty my nonexistent. While I have come across them in passing at livestock conventions, it was never for an extended period of time. History of the Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Vietnamese Pot-bellied is the foreign name for the “Lon I” (Vietnamese: Lợn Ỉ) or I pig. Originating from the country of Vietnam, the … Read more

Gloucestershire Old Spot: Breed Guide

A group of young Gloucestershire Old Spots My personal experience with the Gloucestershire (pronounced Gloster-sheer) Old Spot is minimal, with only a couple of fellow 4-H members raising them during my time in the organization. History of the Gloucestershire Old Spot The Gloucestershire Old Spot is a historic breed with 300 years of history since … Read more